If This Movie Was Called This Is 35 I’d Actually Be Worried Someone Had Been Filming My Life It’s That Accurate
Last night was ‘Date Night’, do you do that? We probably don’t as much as we should but last night I called it! Got rid of the little people and went to the cinema. One of my mates kept telling me how I was SO MUCH like the Mum from the movie “This Is 40”. At first offended that she had referred to me as a Mum in a movie not a hot young blonde super hero, secondly offended that I reminded her of someone who was 40!! OMG how could this be, So I sat myself down and forced myself to watch the trailer. OMG that was me, she was right, they had mad a movie ABOUT ME!
So I dragged my husband along as he was also in this story line. If you haven’t seen ‘This is 40’ you probably should. I wasn’t quite prepared for how much this movie represented my entire life. This movie is like putting hidden cameras in my house, I suddenly feel so normal, like there must be at least one other family out there living as I am as there is an entire movie about it. The Mum is so me that it’s ridiculous, except I don’t smoke or have an American accent other than that holy sh*t she is me. The Dad in the film is my husband, even right now he has been in the loo longer than I am sure a human needs to be. You have to see this movie to understand.
Paul and Debbie AKA Renee and Chris are about to turn 40 in the same week (both of us turn the same age in the same week each year freaky right). A suburban stressed out couple raising a few kids, working hard to make ends meet, the wheels falling off along the way, kids addicted to i gadgets, wife nagging husband to eat better, husband nagging wife for sex, living more like business partners, short with energetic fighting kids, F bombs flying around the house, this movie is my reality and I am not embarrassed to share that. Because the movie also goes on to show that of course, beneath the cynicism and worry buried are two people who have been married for a long time with a lot of history, life has pulled them in different directions but they always pull it back in the same direction.
If you are married, if you have kids, if you are in your 30s, if you fight with your husband, if you fight with your kids, if your kids are on their iPads right now, you must see this movie. Don’t see this one with your girlfriend’s, see this one with your husband, it may save your marriage.
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