Happy Mother’s Day ladies, I hope you all got spoiled with a huge uninterrupted sleep in, only to be woken up by your beautiful children bearing beautifully wrapped expensive gifts, then to have been served in bed a tray with a decadent selection of breakfast served on fine china with a hot pot of tea, and freshly squeezed organic orange juice. Yeah, na me either! My morning started at 0500 when the alarm so kindly woke me up as arranged the night before. Jumped out of bed hit the shower, popped on my running gear with my new bright pink top, lucky socks on, laces done up, hair pulled back, breakfast inserted, teeth brushed, kids up, feed, dressed, loaded in the car and off we went, assisted by my Super Nanny Sister who had the job of watching the kids while I ran. Pic: Me and My Sister-In-Law at the 7.5km Finish Line!!
Today I ran in the Mother’s Day Classic 7.5km Fun Run with my baby sister-in-law. It was her first Mother’s Day too so that was a bit special to do something amazing on her special day. I raised a whopping $400 to go towards breast cancer research which I am super proud of, thanks to my generous family and friends for sponsoring me. It started off a cold and wet morning, back to bed weather really, but no off we went in to the city to see this thing through. There were so many people there, I have no idea what time we ran I forgot to set my watch, it was a very slow start with a narrow track and so many pink clad people, it really was more of a Fun Run than anything serious, so if you ever wanted to start running, this is a good one to try. There is no better motivation to get you off the couch than a paid for Fun Run entry.
I really do hope everyone has a great Mother’s Day, put your feet up with a cup of tea, pen and paper and write a little list of things you are going to achieve this year, things you have always wanted to do. I don’t know like run in a Fun Run, climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge, learn to swim, join a gym, learn to sew, take a singing lesson anything. There are things you haven’t done yet right and life wont wait until you are ready, so get motivated and find your inner Rock Star, plan to do something that scares you and just do it, no excuses to stop you, when you achieve it you will feel amazing and your kids will be super proud, so will I!
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on organising, DIY, parenting, meals, gardening, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

Woo Hoo! Love this and well done. Just what I needed to motivate me to keep going with my running. Love the money that you raised and am so impressed that you spent your Mother’s Day morning out running. Keep up the inspiring work! N x
Hey Naomi, My first Celebrity Guest!!! I knew you would get it! LOL!! I also thought it would help motivate others to have a go or to keep running! It was a great day! Thanks for visiting my blog! R