Do you wonder around the Super Market loading your trolley with food, then end up chucking stuff out because you didn’t end up using it? Do you often stand in front of the fridge thinking “What the hell am I going to cook tonight?” then meal planning is for you! Sit down, work out a menu for the week then shop and cook around your menu you will be amazed at how easy it will make your life and how much money you will save.
All my meal ideas are 30 minutes from the fridge to the table, that’s all the time I have some nights! I try to get the family to eat fish 2-3 times a week, Omega 3 for their little brains. 2-3 nights Chicken for growing muscles and 1-2 night a week read meat for Iron. I know that doesn’t add up to 7 but you get my drift!
Monday Salmon steaks and veg. 2 minute microwave job from the frozen section, Monday nights are our fright night so it needs to be super fast.
Tuesday Mini Lasagnes. Cook up mince like normal, boil lasagne sheets or buy ready made soft ones from the cold section of the super market. Grease large muffin tins layer lasagne sheet, mince, cheese repeat until you reach the top of the tin. A bit of mucking around with this one but the kids will love it. These can be started at a quiet time of the day then shoved in the oven at tea time. Serve with salad.
Wednesday Chicken Enchiladas. Cook up some chopped chicken breast or thigh works fine, cook in a frypan with a 400g can of baked beans, add some pasta sauce if it’s too dry. Lay out wholemeal wraps, add chicken mix down the centre, wrap up, pop some pasta sauce on top with some grated cheese. Oven bake for 15 minutes. Serve with salad.
Thursday Fish burgers. Buy white fish from the supermarket (look in the frozen section you can get a bulk bag of fish for around $10) take out what you want to cook keep the rest in the freezer for another night. Grill fish, cut up wholemeal buns, Greek yoghurt instead of mayo, lettuce. 20 minutes.
Friday Chicken Rice. All in one pot, chicken, brown rice, boil for 20 minutes, then add frozen peas and corn. 30 mins total, one pot! Love it.
Saturday Chicken Fingers. Chicken breasts cut in to long strips, shoved on to a kebab stick to make it a bit of fun for the kids to eat. Serve with salad. 10 minutes to chop and stab, 15 minutes to grill chicken.
Sunday Master 7s 8th Birthday Dinner. Lots of cake!
You might also like Meal Plan 1 and Meal Plan 2 or Meal Plan 3.

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