Ever since you found out you were pregnant you have probably been dreaming about meeting your little person. How do you prepare yourself to love something, someone you have never met. How are you supposed to find enough love in your heart when you already use it all to love your partner. Or what if you already have one child who is the love of your life, how will you ever be able to make enough love to give to another entire person, these are the thoughts going through your pregnant head. You wont know it until it happens, but you can fall in love allover again with no notice, no effort, it’s just something that happens, you will just love them.
The wonderful happy hormones of pregnancy may have you dreaming of a beautiful blue eyed baby with flawless porcelain skin, with a full head of thick brown hair just like his or her daddy’s. You can get so used to seeing the image your have spend months creating that when they do arrive it can be a bit of a shock as to what they actually do look like. Today I am sharing what you can expect when meeting your newborn for the first time.
What happened to his head?
If you have a vaginal delivery chances are that little or not so little head may have to change shape in order to get out. That’s the amazing design of these babies their heads mould to suit the journey out. Don’t panic they may look a little odd in the beginning but it will settle back to normal.
Hairy Vs Bald
You will have an idea what they may look like and something like their hair colour could throw you. With Little Miss 4 I had imagined a blonde blue eyed girl like myself and when she popped out with red hair that kind of blew me away. Both my boys came out with brown hair, which over the first few weeks fell out and blonde hair came in, they have stayed blonde. Odd.
Forceps Delivery, ouch.
If forceps or a ventouse (vacuum) were used to pluck the little nugget out chances are there will be some marks on bubs. Even with my 10lbs2oz c-section, Mr 1 had to be pulled out with forceps as he was just so wedged in there. This left him with angry red marks on his perfect little face, the forceps had even cut his jaw and made his face bleed, poor bub. So these marks were something I had never day dreamed of.
How Big?
This is always an odd one, due to all the hormones getting around in you, your babies genitals can be enlarged. With both my boys I was in shock how big, they were massive but of course go back to normal after a while.
Then Just Let Yourself Fall In Love
When your baby finally arrives, they may have a few funny little newborn things that you didn’t expect but you will still love what you see. It will amaze you to put a face to what was just a bump in your belly. Don’t worry about trying to find more love for a second or more sibling, your heart just grows bigger and makes even more love than you thought you were capable of. Enjoy your newborn they are a beautiful thing, and they are only new for such a short time.
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