When we got married we got Dasher our beautiful Dalmatian that was a part of our family for 11 years, at the end of last year we lost her. She did leave a big gap in our life and the family has been trying hard to convince me ever since to get a new four legged friend. I have been dead against it with my husband always away, and an almost 2 year old to soon toilet train, why would I want to bring a puppy in the equation. Well long story short I lost and we now have a new member in our ever expanding family.
I now am a mother of four little creatures that want, want, want, eat, eat, eat, pooh, pooh and pooh! OMG why did I give in? That cute little pink collard fuzz ball is the face of many yet to be chewed shoes, pot plants, tv remotes and holes to be dug. She has survived her first few days and nights living with a loud, rough, lacking impulse control almost 2 year old, who has at times almost ripped her back legs off (out of love of course). I now have a needy new born in the house once again and as draining as it is, she is very cute and she lights up the kids little faces.
If there ever was a time in our life to bring home a puppy it is now when my husband is home for at least eight weeks and the kids are soon to be on school holidays. So far the deal struck has been solid, I have not touched one pooh, wee or filled a water bowl, see how that goes!!
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