Who doesn’t love a good makeover! This was one of the moments in my life when I realised I had OCD (Organising Compulsive Disorder). Who spends their free time organising their medicine cabinet, um me! Well what actually happened was Mr Chilled 1, was sprouting a huge molar and it must have really hurt, so at 3AM one morning I was fumbling my way through the medicine cabinet which was two baskets shoved with anything chemist. So it was then and there I decided something had to be done. So the next day, tired yet keen to re-organise I sorted everything out, have a look in yours you will find all sorts of out of date creams! I broke it down in to four categories, Adult Medicines, Kids Medicines, Bandaids, Cold and Flu. Once I found four perfect containers it all started to make more sense. This is how it looks now.
If you need something, you already know what you are looking for so its just a matter of grabbing that clear container out and easily finding what you need. Of course it is up above head height so little people can’t reach that is another bonus of having a lid nothing falls out on to your head.
This is the best one, for those dashes to the medicine cupboard for baby panadol this container kicks butt! So much easier, so worth doing. The other battle I had was for some reason my husband can not put anything back where he gets it from, drives me nuts, so with some subtle hints from a label maker, now he can’t not put it back in the right spot! Spend 10 minutes having a dig around in your medicine cupboard and you will more than likely find things that are out of date and things you are actually out of. Time well spent I say!
Don’t be shy to share my Facebook page with your friends, us Mums need to stick together if we are going to make it out alive!

Oh my God you are so organised! You are putting me to shame and I didn’t think I was that bad lol :-p
omg I did this today renee! I had the old basket thing too, in thr pantry up high, stuffed full of all our bits and bobs. boxes would slide out when I went to grab it! decor was 1/2 price at Coles this week so I got four tubs and my label maker and got busy. I labelled them kids medicine, adults medicine and prescriptions/misc. turns out didn’t need the 4th one. it’s got slow cooker sachets in it. great idea, I love little organising projects!!
Rosie, that’s awesome, so at 3am when you reach for the baby panadol you will now be safe and fast! Love it! R