This is something I am trying currently and I am loving it so I really wanted to share with you. Meal prep, I am talking about a bit of a cook up on the Sunday night making meals for the week and freezing them. Sounds too hard? Nope easy, saves time later, means less cooking and cuts out you standing in front of the fridge looking for food.
Have a think about what you could eat, keeping in mind it will be frozen and reheated. I’ve gone pretty simple so far, today I am sharing grilled chicken, sweet potato, broccoli and brown rice. You will need containers that freeze, you will need chicken breast, and the veggies of your choice. This is your opportunity to make a healthy meal so try to have a protein, some carbs (brown rice & sweet potato), and some greens.
Meal Prep Cook Up
1. Cut sweet potato in halves, spray with olive oil, cover in foil, bake 1hr, or boil.
2. Cook brown rice, will take 20 mins, I cheat and use 90 second microwave brown rice.
3.Chop and boil broccoli, don’t overcook remember you will be reheating this.
4 Grill chicken breast with some garlic, again careful not to overcook.
Chop up chicken, then put equal parts of each food into your containers. Let them cool on the bench then in the freezer. You can also make a casserole and a soup, distribute that into containers. Now for the week you have a meal for each lunch and night. Will you get sick of it no, it’s convenience out weights this. Repetition is what you need to create these new habits. Give it a try it’s easier than you think and saves so much time and saves so many bad choices during the week.
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on health, fitness, organising, DIY, parenting, meals, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

This is such a great idea and it’s going to keep me on track. Thanks for sharing! (Can I also recommend a sprinkle of salt and cinnamon before cooking the sweet potato? It’s the bomb!)
Sounds good I will have to try it. R