I LOVE MANGOS! Never used to, in fact I lived in Darwin for six years and had a mango tree, they were a pain as they’d fall on the ground and rot. I don’t know why it never occurred to me to eat one. Now I love them. They are in the shops and they mean summer time is here!! They were $2 each at Coles today so I grabbed some. Mango’s are really healthy, one mango can provide 3x your daily recommended intake of vitamins A and C and more beta-carotene (a really powerful antioxidant) than any other fruit. And the best part they taste like dessert!
The bit that scares you off is cutting it right, well let me show you the easy way to cut a mango to get the most out of it. The thing is it has a huge seed thing called a bone in the middle so there is just no cutting this thing in half. You need to cut along the bone to get the flesh off.
Step One. Hold the mango length wise and try to cut from top to bottom, you will feel the seed this is what you cut a long to remove the mango cheek.
Step Two. Gently cut in to the cheek you just removed with a grid like pattern these will become your mango squares that you use.
Step Three. Flip the mango cheek inside out. You can present it like this on a fruit platter or you can scrape off the squares to use in a recipe or eat it straight from the skin. Yummo!
If you haven’t had a mango you are missing out. If you like them then grab some next time you are at the shops they are a really healthy snack worth the effort of the cut up. Mr One is loving mango’s at the moment so I will keep buying them for him too. Enjoy.
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oh i so wish i lived in Oz somedays, just to eat bucket loads of cheap mangoes!!
Where do you live Angela?
in new zulland 🙂 hehe
we have cheap strawberries at the moment to compensate.
Awesome! That still spins me out how I get to reach people in other countries!
Loved this post, brought back some wonderful childhood memories. As children we would go up to Bowen (Mango Capital) for Christmas. We would eat them morning noon & night. Grandma would put us in the bath tub with our mangoes, afterwards we would have a bath. Great place for kids to eat them…
Bath tub what a great idea!! R