It always amazes me that babies are so small, yet almost from the moment you find one is heading your way, they start to take over your entire house. They come with so much crap that you end up moving house every time a new one turns up, well that’s what has happened to us anyway. Here are two hot tips I thought I would share today about getting a little organised in the kitchen with bubs stuff.
I am pro-breastfeeding, not because I am some hippy, but because bottles suck! If you are planning to, are currently attempting to or are successfully breast feeding then wow you are amazing to me. If you are like me and your boobs let you down in this department then you will have to turn to formula and bottle feeding. I’d swap perky small boobs for saggy retired breastfeed boobs any day just because bottle feeding is a drag. With bottles they have to be washed sterilized and the formula has to then be made. Buy and make enough bottles to take you in to the next day, if your baby has 6 bottles a day have 8 ready so you never run out and don’t get stuck making up bottles twice a day. At the 6 month mark congrats you no longer have to sterilize them and at the 12 month mark congrats you made it you can now go to full cream cows milk! I like to keep them tucked back at the bottom of the fridge, in a little basket, when you make new ones put them at the back and bring the older ones to the front.
When bubs is 6 months and older you will want to start with the real food, now that they have taken over you fridge they move in to the pantry. Designate a little area to store all of bubs food, even their bag can be kept here too as it is easy to restock on the way out the door.
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[…] This is just for pregnant or formula feeding mummas, what ever works out for you and your little muffin is the right way for you. Don’t waste one moment feeling bad, in this day and age the formulas are amazing we are very lucky to have a plan B! It will all be fine, your baby will grow up healthy just like the breastfeed kids I am sure of this. You might also like Make Room For Baby. […]