Looking for something healthier than a packet of tiny teddies for the kids recess you don’t want to miss this cheap but very cute idea. 
I am the lunch box Fun Police in our house. I try really hard to pack them an interesting yummy yet healthy lunch box each day. With Mr 8 I thought I was doing the right thing by giving him lots of fruit until his first dentist appointment I learnt that fruit wasn’t all that innocent and he ended up with a filling from all the acid and sugar in fruit. Can’t win right? Yes you can by switching to vegetables and savory foods.
Today I am giving you a sneak peek in to Mr 8’s and Little Miss 5’s lunch box, this is very typical for what they have each day and there have never been any complaints. In fact they loved my idea of mini ham and cheese rolls for recess so much that I had to share. I bought dinner rolls for $1.98 added ham and cheese, glad wrapped them and froze them.
Recess is a mini ham and cheese roll and a bag of veggies, be it mini cucumber’s, cherry tomatoe’s, carrot’s, snow pea’s.
Lunch is a plain old fav Vegemite sandwich and an apple. Don’t do nasty chemicals, preservatives, food colourings, added sugars or salt. And their water bottle is full of, wait for it water. The sandwiches and rolls are made Sunday morning and frozen, so I grab one out in the morning in summer and it defrosts by recess/lunch and grab them out in the evening in winter. So as you can see it is in fact quite easy to pack a healthy no fuss school lunch skipping little bags of chips, lollies, buiscuits etc.
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What a simply great idea with the dinner rolls, would never have thought of it… have bookmarked it! 🙂
Are the dinner rolls the ones that needs to be baked for 5-10mins in the oven?
Kazzie, they don’t actually need to be baked that is just a serving suggestion. The kids love them as they are. Enjoy. R