Here is a sneaky peek at what the people in my house will be eating for dinner this week. Do you meal plan? If not you should, it will save you money at the Supermarket and time during the week. Not only that it will stop you buying take-a-way when you can’t figure out what to have mid week. Try it, you won’t look back.
Monday – Garlic and Herb Chicken Fingers with Salad. Chicken breast cut into strips, grilled with garlic and herbs. Salad spinach leaves, tomato and cucumber served with Greek yoghurt.
Tuesday – Spaghetti Bolognaise with Wholemeal Pasta in the slow cooker. Mince meat, pasta sauce, canned tomatoes, lentils and pasta in the slow cooker. Come back 4 hrs later tea’s done. Lentils add extra protein and will blend in with the mince kids won’t even know.
Wednesday – Grilled Fish with Broccoli and Salad. Any fish from the deli section, broccoli chopped up on Sunday in air tight container, same basic salad of spinach, tomato and cucumber with Greek yoghurt.
Thursday – Protein Packed Pumpkin Soup. Chop pumpkin add lentils, this will add the protein. Puree serve with wholemeal toast.
Friday – Chicken on Sticks, Brown Rice and Salad. Chicken breast chopped, shoved on skewers, 90 second brown rice in microwave, tomato, cucumber and spinach leaves for salad served with Greek yoghurt.
Saturday – Shepard’s Pie with Sweet Potato and Salad. Cook mince, jar of pasta sauce, peas & corn. Sweet potato mash on top. Same old kid friendly salad as above.
Kid Friendly And Healthy Meal Planning Ideas That Work
These are all easy, fast and very kid friendly meals. There is a balance of different meats for the kids iron and protein needs, with one fish meal a week for their omega 3 needs. Cooking veggies takes extra time, so I tend to keep it simple and chop up fresh veggies as a salad. I always use Greek yoghurt and steer clear of salad dressings as they often have as much sugar as chocolate topping! There is no reason you can’t prep or even cook dinner at 1pm if that’s a quite time in your day as it will save you loads of time in the evening. When using pasta I buy wholemeal and I steer clear of creamy pasta dishes. When cooking chicken I steer clear of deep frying, I find grilling in a pan with olive oil, herbs and garlic the healthiest way. Add lentils when ever boiling or using mince, it packs a protein punch and the kids won’t even know.
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