Keep calm and enjoy Christmas, but to do that you need to get off your butt and get your Christmas shopping done, here are some of my all time hot tips no how to get your sh*t together for Christmas!
Keep Calm And Make A List
Grab a note book, write down who you need to buy for and next to their names put your ideas for gifts. Make sure you take this list shopping with you. This list will change the way you shop.
Keep Calm And Shop Online
Embrace our technology and do not be scared to shop online. You can do all your Christmas shopping without even leaving where you are sitting right now. You have eBay and if that terrifies you most stores offer online sales, this is how I do most of my Christmas shopping, it saves time, money and a lot of heart ache.
Keep Calm and Go Shopping
Get your list and get cracking. If you leave it any longer the shops turn in to crowded full car park disaster zones. Just get out there amongst it and make a start. You will find after you first purchase it will become easier and you will get a lot done.
Keep Calm And Keep The Receipt
Sometimes things break, sometimes DVDs aren’t in their covers, and sometimes things don’t fit. Keep the receipt’s just in case.
Keep Calm And Let it Snow
Enjoy it, come on Christmas is only once a year so just go with it and have some fun. When things feel too hard, too expensive, too unorganised think how you felt when you were a kid. What a magical time of year for your children. Get in to it with them, don’t stress just do what you can with what you have and do your best to make it amazing for your kids.
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Yay for Christmas! Just about to start the second of my online shopping posts. I love online shopping – it’s the best way to go these days 🙂
Cathy, Online shopping is the way to go for sure! R