Earlier in 2012 I wrote this post about setting goals for yourself by making a list of 5 things you wanted to achieve for yourself this year. Then this post updating my lists progress where I shared how I had ticked two things off my list.
So far I have attended a Blogging Conference and I have climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge. This coming Sunday is the 12km City – Bay Fun Run, which is on my list of things to do, not only was it on my list of things to do it came with a time to beat. I did it last year for the first time, and ran it with a great mate in 1hr and 3minutes. This year I wanted to train for it and run under an hour. Well with my husband away and life being life I had to cut away my running and I gave up the idea of even running it let alone beating my time. I wasn’t happy about it, but that’s just how it had to be, there’s always next year I figured. But was that really being true to myself, this was something I had chosen to achieve this year, something that meant something to me.
Today at the gym I was convinced by my running buddy, who after this weekend might not be my buddy anymore, to run the 12km Fun Run with her! But I’ve done little to no running, but I could do it, but I wont beat my time, but it is on the list, but I can’t do that, but yes you can! Do you have these conversations with yourself too? So to sum up the argument, the positive voice in my head got her way and I am now running in the 12km City to Bay Fun Run THIS SUNDAY! 1 day to prepare, oh good god!
I am fit, I am young, I love running, but is that going to be enough with such little prep? The thing about running is a lot of it is in your head, it’s your mind that keeps you running as your legs tell you to stop even in the first Kilometer. So I wrote it on the list of things I want to achieve this year, therefore I must do it or I will be disappointed with myself. I wont be breaking any records but I will be taking steps to prove to myself that I am still awesome and I can do anything I put my mind to, because spending too much time at home with kids, you very quickly forget this and you need to do things to remind yourself who you were and who you still are. This will either break me or make me, either way it’s my choice and I am choosing make me!!
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Go Girl! You can do it!
Thanks Julie!!! You are good support!!! When’s that bridge climb?? R
40th birthday in Dec. Will book them!
Good luck with the run and have a great time enjoying that me time.
Thanks Lindi, the lengths I go to to get me time!!
Have a good run tomorrow babe …… I know you will smash it. Love ya and thinking of ya all the way out here …. 😉
Hey You! You are so running with me next year!!! R