Sometimes things get a little heated in our house, you all know my story my husband is often away for work and it’s usually just me running around like a crazy woman acting as the CEO of chaos. I have always thought if I could find a quote that I loved and put it somewhere that I would see everyday it could help me in those moments of vomit or spilt drinks when you can feel your brain just about to explode. I have always loved the British saying ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ and have had my eye out for sometime for a print or canvas to match my house and to have up on a wall and today I found it.
This is now the first thing I see every day when I come out of my bedroom, the lounge room, it is also the first thing I see when I step inside the front door everyday after the crazy school/kindy drop offs/pick ups. This is so perfect I had to have it, and shove it up on the wall right away. I have a bad feeling I have put it too low and when Mr Chilled 1 wakes up from his nap I am sure he will have a crack at it, if he can reach it I will simply keep calm and move it.
Do you know the history of this slogan? It is actually quite fascinating and I think it may surprise you. Head to my recent post Keep Calm And Carry On and educate yourself it is really interesting. Knowing the true meaning and sometimes feeling like I live in a war zone it really makes sense to me. I am so glad I found it and now I can hear Mr Chilled 1 yelling out “Hello Mummy” so now I find out if it needs to be moved or it stays!
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