OK I am not technically a single parent but my husband has been home for maybe 7 broken weeks this year all up with his lead up training and his deployment to Afghanistan. So that leaves me living a life I would imagine somewhat similar to that of a single Mum. Why do they call it a ‘Single Mother’, it should be a ‘Mother Single’, as you are always a Mother first.
What got me thinking about this was the busy little Sunday I just had and all the things I actually got done. The weather was amazing so I made everyone go out the back including Mr 1 who had the best time ever.
It was a day of doing Boy Jobs! Do you have that in your home? It’s just kind of the way of life, at home we have his jurisdiction and my jurisdiction but when he’s gone jobs that I could expect him to take care of no longer get done and fall down to me to take on everything. So I cleaned out the rabbit hutch, who knew 2 bunnies could pooh so much, pulled out all the weeds back and front, mowed the lawn, swept the pavers back and front, fixed Mr 8s scooter, fixed the bell on Little Miss 4s bike and got grease and dirt up my finger nails.
It is funny how we are programed to do boy or girl jobs, I guess being in the Army blurs the lines so I am happy to give anything a go. Don’t get me wrong I’d love nothing more than to kick back and have the lawn mowed but that isn’t going to happen. Add to my day all the normal girl jobs that also had to be done! In keeping with the man theme of the day the kids had party pies for tea with no vegetables OMG!!
If you are a single Mum you are a Super Mum, it’s actually really hard to spend all of your time with people under the age of 8. If you work then that’s one outlet at least but if you don’t you might feel like you don’t have anymore spare time but make sure you make time for you because otherwise you can get so bogged down with all the jobs that you just end up doing the minimum. Kids end up eating party pies for dinner and the house chores get left, and it could very well very fast all get too much. You must remind yourself that you are amazingly strong, AMAZINGLY STRONG, that you are not alone you are just strong enough to do it alone big difference. I’d love to hear your comments.
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