In the spirit of giving it is a great time to donate odds and ends around your home that you no longer use or are simply clutter.
My kids have a lot of toys and clothes so before Christmas I gave them each a big black garbage bag and told them to go into their room and fill it up with toys they no longer played with that could be donated to children who have so much less. Both Mr 8 and Little Miss 4 came back with hardly anything in their bags. Each piece of cr*p on their bedroom floor had a reason or an explanation why it should stay. So started the lesson of why we donate.
By the end of the day we had two garbage bags from each big kids bedroom. They ended up full of clothes and toys that were still perfectly good however anticipating an overload of toys as gifts this Christmas it had to be done. Also forced myself to donate a heap of Mr Ones baby toys as he graduates to Mr Two in the next week. So we are bombarded with Christmas toys then the week later two birthdays so each year room needs to be made for new things.
Try A Donation Station
I also have two 22Ltr tubs that as I notice things the kids are no longer playing with I put them in the tubs which stay in the garage. When the tubs are full I drop their contents off to the local charity bins, it’s a great system and prevents toy over load. Have you ever donated stuff, it actually feels really good.
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hey Renee, Im just reading over your older posts as I fell off the blog track not long after having my baby in August, Myself and my 2 older kids regularly donate to charity, usually every school holidays we take a load off to the Sallies. However, ths year im aiming for a different approach, asking family to buy one quality item instead of lots of bits and bobs for them. I tried to implement this at xmas, it was hard to break some old habits!! im also using a new technique that is when i often buy them something quite often throughout the year for no apparent reason other than i think that they would like it. so this year im writing down all the temptation toys etc that i would usually just buy without a second thought and taking my notebook with said item and expense and going to calculate up each month what I would have spent. myself and hubby can use this money to treat ourselves instead 🙂 cool idea huh? 🙂
very cool idea Ange, sounds like a gym membership to me!!!!!! 🙂
LOL no seriously great idea. I do the same buy my kids sh*t here and there, they don’t need it, it just ends up on the floor somewhere! R