So your bedroom can tend to be a dumping ground, where you just shut the door and only go in there when you need to get dressed or sleep. The problem with that is it is the place you start each day, and it can set your mood for your day. Today I wanted to share my tips on keeping your bedroom clutter free and a happy place where you wake up and start the day not bogged down by clutter.
First thing you see in the morning is your bedside table. If it is covered in crap today you need to fix it. Empty the top draw, you probably have all sorts of crap in there, once it’s empty use it to stash all the stuff that is sitting on your bed side table. Except for the things that didn’t make the clutter cull. I use my top draw for what ever mags, or hand creams etc I used to have cluttering my bedside table. I have a cute little white box that has lip balm, the TV remote, it’s where I stick my hair ties if I go to bed with them still in. It is a clutter buster, so anything that doesn’t fit in there either shouldn’t be there anyway or goes in the top draw.
Keep any surfaces in your bedroom clutter free, just get a basket and cull. Return all the creams, lotions and potions to their home in the bathroom. Put the books away that you never got around to reading, put your clothes away the moment you bring them in to your room. If you think you will do it later, you probably wont! Anything that is left over that you have to have out can be stored in cute boxes to hide the clutter. Put your towel straight back in the bathroom or get dressed in there so it doesn’t end up on your bed.
If you make your bed everyday, every time you go in your room it will give you a real sense of being on top of things. Strange I know, but if you go in your room and you are faced with your messy unmade bed, it is the biggest thing in your room so you will see it every time and it is a constant reminder of one more thing you should have done today. Each morning get up, have breaky then when you go back in to your room make your bed, get yourself some nice pillows to make it fell a little lux, but not cluttered.
With your bathroom, keep the surfaces free of clutter, it really does clutter your brain and it’s probably one of the first places you go each morning. I have a big kitchen type plastic container that I store all my bit’s and pieces in, it just keeps the bench space clear.
So go and have a look in your bedroom, can you cull some of the clutter for a less is more feel. Can you pack away the clutter on your bathroom bench, do a big cull and you will love the results.
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