Three amazing times I have grown a baby human inside my amazing body. I love being pregnant, there is something amazing about waking up every morning, placing your hands on your belly remembering there is someone else on board. I have had some seriously big babies so along with that came a seriously big belly each time and I loved nothing more to photograph my belly every chance I got. Even though you are pregnant for 9 plus months it actually goes by really quickly, so make sure you remember to take photos because really it’s such a special time and it’s over before you know it.
Do not let the fact that you are now officially fat ever stop you from having photos taken, who cares that you now have a double chin, or your fingers are so fat you’ve had to take off your rings, just make sure you get lots of photos because it’s only a short part of your life being pregnant and you will want to remember it. If you have older kids make sure you get them in the pics too. Then they can look back when they are older and remember you being pregnant with their baby brother or sister. Get them kissing and talking to your belly so they get used to the idea there really is someone in there.
Sure I am not going to lie being pregnant is bloody hard work but after the event it is just one amazing memory that you will ask yourself did that really happen? The more pics you have the more you can look back and be amazed at what an amazing job your body did making and bringing in to the world your very own little baby human. Seriously who cares about the stretch marks we all now have, you earned your stripes now wear them with pride because having a baby is amazing, and you had to have been amazing to have pulled that off! Enjoy your belly and enjoy your photos.
You may also like Photographing your belly.
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These are great pictures. I should have taken some like this back in my pregnancy days. Too late now.
Well Amen to that! Great post. Thanks for linking up for Flash Blog Friday 🙂