For those who follow along you will know how much this means to me, for those of you who are new to my blog I have finally figured out what I want to do when I grow up. After five long weeks of studying full time whilst wrangling three kids, toilet training a 2 year old and a puppy, add to that a fly in fly out husband I can proudly say been there done that!
Today was our final assessment on everything we had been taught and would I be bragging if I said I smashed it? Too bad, you know what I worked really hard, sacrificed a lot, studied, cried, stayed up late, got up early, went without, drove over an hour in and then back out of the city each day, gave up my life and yeah I smashed it. I had no choice there was no other option.
It has been an amazing experience for this lil stay at home mum of three years, to head back in to a class room add to that 20 odd 18-22 year olds full of energy, their Mums cooking, wearing the uniform their Mum washed, and full of giggles carrying iPhones and dreams.
Well didn’t I feel so old when we started, to the point where I really began to doubt could I pull this sh*t off. These kids have just done year 12 biology and PE they knew words and parts of the body I couldn’t pronounce. But did that stop me, almost, no it just drove me even more. First I recented their easy life of living at home as an adult without a responsibility in the world, then I learnt to love their energy and admire them also for being so driven at such a young age. You are all so cute.
I have learnt so much on my course and I have no regrets, maybe I regret not doing it sooner but I wasn’t ready or I would have done it then. I have taken some happy snaps along the way and wanted to share them with you all. Now I embark on Certificate IV in Fitness – Personal Trainer, more study, more assignments, assessments and no doubt tears. I will keep you posted! Thank you for your support too can’t wait to share what I’ve learnt.
Most mornings I get Mr 2 up, dress him, sit him on the potty, drag him out the door ready for drop off at Child Care and the other two to Before School Care. Then when I get home and pick them all up, it’s his bed time.
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on health, fitness, organising, DIY, parenting, meals, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

Yeah!!!!! Good for you, I am so very happy for you and feel almost parental pride! Hope you smash the next course too!
Thanks Julie!!! My number 1 fan!!!! X
Well done!this is awesome. you should feel super proud. Once again congratulations. r
Hey Renata, Thank You! And thanks for your comment way back when I started it with advice I did read it and appreciate it! R