So here’s the thing, I have Mr One (who suddenly is technically 22 months old) who has been the most carefree easy going baby I had ever met. However within the last few weeks this kid has become SO clingy to the point where it’s driving me nuts, shock horror, did I really admit that? He is within a meter of me the whole time he is awake, yes this includes the toilet, should I shut him out he cries at the door, yes this means the shower too, same thing he wont let me out of his sight. He used to go off and play with his things happily ever after now not so much, it’s like he is trying to crawl back inside me!
The hard part is not getting angry at him, he isn’t doing anything wrong it is just stopping me from doing anything. I’m talking to the point where we go to the shops, he’s sitting in the trolley and if anyone comes near me he will say “My Mummy” with his hands out. Same thing at the creche at gym, if a child comes near me he yells out “My Mummy, no way!”. As loyal as this sounds it’s embarrassing and exhausting! I love the little nugget but OMG how much more can I take? I’ve had a bit of a look on the net and turns out it is a common part of becoming two. I guess it’s fair to say the first 5 years of our child’s life are the most important, the thing I forget is it’s his time not my time. I have given up work for him, to help him learn and grow the best I can. But it is hard, really hard.
I have been making an effort to remind myself I am his world and he loves me unconditionaly so enjoy it while it lasts, he is only little once. Soon he wont want much to do with me yet right now he needs me, a lot. I guess it’s a fine line between not pushing him away yet not smothering him, I want him to be independent but also be assured I am there for him (after i have blogged!!).
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It only lasts a few years. My 11 year old would rather hang with his mates than boring old Mum. My nearly 7 in 3 weeks old son is my only buddy now. Even their sister who is only 8 wants to be with her friends. They grow much too fast. Hang in there!
Oh I’m hanging!!! Yeah it’s a bit cute really. R