My lil guy Mr 2 has at times had some nasty incidents of developing Eczema. He’d get nasty rashes on his skin which lead to lots of Doctor trips and lots of creams and lotions. Unsure of his condition I turned to the Internet to learn more.
What is Eczema? Eczema (atopic dermatitis) is a recurring, non-infectious, inflammatory skin condition affecting one in three Australasians at some stage throughout their lives. The condition is most common in people with a family history of an atopic disorder, including asthma or hay fever. Reference
Well we have no history of it, so it blew me away when the little guy got it. So it got me learning about Eczema as it was foreign to me. There are just so many things out there to try, so many that if I tried them all I am not sure you could pin point which one worked.
So the road I took was nutrition, what was needed for healthy skin repair after an outbreak of Eczema? I turned to upping the Omega3 in his little diet as a way to act as an anti-inflammatory which seemed to work. So he’d have a fish type meal 3 days a week. I also turned to a store bought product so he could consume Omega3 on the other days. Well it worked. He went from nasty Eczema always at the Doctors with some nasty outbreak to beautiful clear skin with no outbreaks since. I also stopped using any soap products in the bath and only used Sorbolene. I smothered him in it before the bath then it would wash its self off in the bath. Then put more on him when dressing him while he was slightly wet to keep that moisture in his skin. It worked perfectly.
I can’t say if his Eczema was going to heal up and disappear anyway or it was the deliberate daily Omega3 but I still think it’s worth passing on for others to try. The product above is what we used, Mango flavoured it became known in our house as “Mango num num” and he loves it takes it on a spoon no worries.
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