What an amazing supplement. This is a vitamin that everyone should be taking regardless of the quality of your diet. Apart from the treatment of common cold and flu symptoms it has many more benefits. Some of these include skin problems, wound healing, helps combat stress, lowers cholesterol, improves blood flow, reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke, regulates blood sugar levels and most importantly used in the treatment of cancer.
1. GET IT DAILY. Unlike most animals humans are unable to make their own vitamin C so it’s worth making the effort to get enough. It’s said that we need 45 mg minimum per day, with the optimal amount being around 90 mg for men and 75 mg for women
2. LOOK AFTER YOUR VITAMIN C FOODS. Vitamin C does not last in storage, and the quality is lost the longer the food item is stored, so eat it right away.
3. WHERE TO GET IT? Fresh food is the best source of vitamin C and most fruit and vegetables contain vitamin C. In particular, aim to eat food from the cabbage family, red and green peppers, blackcurrants, strawberries, citrus fruit, and tomatoes.
HOT TIP OF THE DAY: Have a salad with spinach leaves instead of lettuce. Spinach is a better source of vitamin C when eaten raw. Toss in green and red capsicum’s and tomatoes for added vitamin C.
For more tips on how to get the most out of your food grab a copy of my eBook #Bodyback Clean Eating Guidelines today HERE.

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