So, on this very day a whole 34 years ago, I went from being a very over due long awaited first baby to a kicking and screaming 9lbs 1oz little ray of sunshine!! Thanks Mum, anyone who survives that and can still walk deserves a medal in my book! So I woke up this morning and just laid in bed for a moment as it dawned on me, it’s my birthday today! Oh my god, I am 34 years old, that is the oldest I’ve ever been!! My husband is away for work so I wondered if the kids would remember as last night Mr 8 had asked me to stay in bed so he could bring me breakfast in bed, sure why not. So I waited as long as I could, but I soon realised he had forgotten and now I’m probably running late for the entire morning!
First txt msg, Mother in law XX thankyou, second txt msg Mother XX thankyou, see it’s us Mothers who really remember these things, and I am now old enough and wise enough to know why!! Then the Facebook updates start, that’s a great thing about Facebook you get these happy birthday messages that you wouldn’t otherwise get, love it. So this is how I spent my birthday.
My little guy decided to help me with the washing, that was sweet I am all for guys doing washing, I think he got a little distracted trying to separate the whites from the darks and never really got any further than making a huge mess, oh and I hurt my knee on a piece of Lego when I knelt down to pick up the dirty washing!
Then my baby boy treated me to a full body massage, it was cute until he put his face on my bum and bit as hard as he could, yeah ouch! The kids still hadn’t remembered so I sulked around the house like a 5 year old. Then the Australia Post package delivery guy arrived so I got excited wondering what gift my husband had remembered to send me, it was just something I had ordered on the net ages ago and had forgotten about.
The kindy/school drop off was a disaster, my little guy hasn’t been well all weekend and he cracked it at Kindy. He puked on me and rubbed boogies all over my gym gear. So we have ditched gym, and he is now in bed with tired sick eyes. I am changed into my trackies and about to hit the couch with some Gray’s Anatomy therapy I need to catch up on. Birthday’s suck. It’s cold, raining, I’m cooking pumpkin soup for lunch. Oh my god I am 34.

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