Well that title got your attention didn’t it? Thighs, tummy and butt everyone’s problem areas! Today I am sharing what works for me a simple way I have found to work these guys and actually get some results. Here is an exercise you can do at home, and it’s a great one if you are just starting out.
WALL SQUAT – This is Me At Two Minutes Yes That is My Tongue Sticking Out
Find yourself some space up against a wall. Place your back against the wall, bend your knees lowering your hips until your thighs are parallel to the floor. You are working to strengthen your quadriceps, hamstrings and butt! Make sure you push your back up against the wall and hold your core on tight, sucking your belly in and you are now working your abs. Time yourself to see how long you can hold it, then try and improve your time as you improve your a*se! Once you put your hands on your legs you are cheating! Once you start shaking and losing your form you have reached fatigue and it’s time to rest. This is the goal. Throw this one on at the end of your daily run or walk, have a comp with the kids and see who can hold it the longest!
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This is a great little exercise bound to get you working:) xx
It’s a hard one, I held up longer than the guy who took the photo let that be known to the world!! R
I found this exercise easier than the ab ones you posted. They were HARD! Loving the exercise posts by the way!
Thanks Julie, I love feedback, love knowing someone is reading and using my ideas! R