Today I am sharing some more inexpensive ways to have a knife free tummy tuck! All you need is some room on the floor and some determination. You do not need to do 100s of sit ups to have a flat tummy or a six pack, you just need to use your core and exercise it otherwise it will stay the way that it is and I know it makes you unhappy. You can change your belly I promise, you can get it all back where it’s meant to be just by doing a few simple exercises to restrengthen your tummy muscles to remind them where they are meant to be.
A hover is where you are on your elbows and toes. Below is the starting position on your knees and elbows until you get stronger. Yes it is not very lady like, but the idea is your weight is on your elbows and knees which are kind of spread open to make a flat back, like a coffee table. Hold it for as long as you can, counting the seconds, hold until you drop, rest do it again. When Mr One (10lbs2oz C-Sect) was 8 weeks old I started these and could not even do one so you too will need to work up to it, this is why I have shown a beginners option. You will get stronger I promise.
If you mastered the beginners hover you are ready for a new challenge, a big girl hover. Up on your toes this time, same goal to keep your body stiff with a flat back while sucking in your belly. With legs spread like in the pic is hard but to make this harder bring your legs and feet closer together, there are so many options to work your abs so far we have done no sit-ups. Hold, count, flop, rest, repeat.
For the final challenge up-size for free to a plank. Now it gets harder, up off your elbows on to your hands. Keep holding your belly in, same deal with your legs, to make it harder bring your feet closer. Hold, count, flop, rest, repeat.
Combined with a little cardio to burn the residual fat sitting above your abs under the skin, you too can have a flat tummy. Even after having a baby? Yes. Even after having a C-Section? Yes. Even after having three c-sections and a 10lbs2oz baby yes yes yes been there done that. Come on no more excuses, how bad do you want it? If you were to do this everyday, would you see a difference? Yes you would. Would you soon start standing taller, looking longer, creating a stronger core? Yes you would. Important things to note are, if your back hurts your belly isn’t doing enough, suck it in and hold it on tight, if that doesn’t help drop to a lower option until you build strength. Now get off the computer, iPad, iPhone, laptop or whatever and try it.
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awesome in going to start these exercises to move that remaining jelly off my belly 🙂
Hey Angela, glad to hear it. Look after your core it’s so important espesially for us who have spat three kids out!!! Do these with the kids while watching TV during the ad breaks! R