We are a family of 5, and 3 of those 5 are under 8 and can get pretty messy, so it means a lot of washing of little clothes. The way I see it is you have two options the hard way, or the easy way! The hard way I have done, when I worked full time I would leave all the washing until the weekend and just do giant loads. That would then fill washing baskets and need to be put away. The easy way is a load a day and put them straight away! OK a little OTT on the rhyming but maybe that will remind you next time you are in the laundry shaking your head.
Do A Load A Day. By doing a load a day you are able to stay on top of the washing, if you don’t have 5 in your family and a load a day seems excessive but you struggle to keep on top of it, try a load every second day. Never let it pile up as it ends up a big job that could have been avoided.
Hang It Up As Soon As It’s Done. Once the washing is done hang it up, or pop it in the drier right away. If the laundry is away from the living area and you are likely to not hear it when it’s done, set the oven timer for when it will be done because there is nothing worse than that feeling of “Oh sh*t I forgot to hang the washing out!” usually comes when you have just sat down.
Fold It Up As Soon As It’s Dry. Yep, just do it then and there. Don’t even put it in to a clothes basket. I don’t have a clothes basket as I hate having a basket full of washing that needs to be put away. I just fold them right away as I take them off the line or out of the drier. This also omits the need for any unnecessary ironing, I hate ironing.
Put It Away Once Dry And Folded. Again just by getting it done there and there you are able to stay on top of it. By putting the clean washing away right after you have brought it in and folded it you will never have piles of clean washing that gets mixed up with dirty or left sitting in a basket that a day later needs to be ironed.
So by doing a load a day, drying it and folding it that same day/evening mean I can put it away that same day evening. Never let it pile up, never leave it clean in a clothes basket and you are on your way to keeping on top of the washing.
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Hi Renee We are a family of 6, I wash everyday, sometimes I can do 3 loads a day depending if the children have had PE or after school sport. I have 3 bins that are under the bench in my laundry. I have them marked Whites, Colours, Darks. After the children have had a bath/shower it is their responsiblity to take their clothes and place them in the bins. They must also check pockets. I refuse to do this, they have learnt the hard way. This saves alot of time. Hope this idea may help some of your readers. Love the page
MammaCurrie, Love it! I think the more kids the more organised you have to become! I stopped buying white things ages ago!! I gave up! Dark or pink in our house! R
Definitely the way to go. Great advice, plus we would not have enough clothes to last until the weekend! I have been doing this for yonks as I work full time. It is so much easier and then you don’t spend all weekend washing and ironing – boring! Plus, I am a neat freak and like everything in order! My one bonus is that my hubby is also super helpful on the domestic chores – will wash, iron and fold without even me giving a slight hint. He’s definitely a keeper! However, he does tell me he is clocking up “man minutes”!
Love your Blog.
Lindi, Love your comment, love your husband! LOL! R