It’s been a while since I’ve blogged about organisation as I have been flat out with school holidays, but thankfully my two little nuggets are finally back to school and kindy. So today I am sharing how I stay on top of the little things now that I am back on my own for a while and how to turn your pantry in to your house HQ!
As soon a bill comes in I open it, frown, shake my head and pop it in the pile of bills, that way I keep them all together and don’t forget where I put the phone bill, it’s happened! So I found somewhere that I would see them everyday and I can have a quick check of what’s due next. The key rack is visited everyday at least once on the way in or the way out of the house so that became the perfect place. I have two bulldog clips hanging up, the one on the left is any kind of bill, the one on the right is anything about school or kindy. This has worked well and I haven’t paid anything late for a while since doing it this way, ok I have but who’s counting.
Another great tip is to use the space on the back of your pantry door as an information station! If you sitck up all the info you need in your kitchen or on the fridge it will end up looking like a cluttered mess, so by using this previously unused space you now have an entire notice board without the cluttered feel. The things I have up are documents that I refer to often, I have the bin collection days calendar, one week is garden bin, one week is recycling bin, who can remember what week you are up to? I have the school canteen price list, the gym group training session time table, a monthly list of all the birthdays we have in our huge family and the calendar with important dates highlighted. Like my birthday next week, which I am not sure if I am going to have, might just say 33 forever! I also have some little people art work that I have stuck up for those mornings when you feel so tired as you have been up a few times during the night to two different kids, and now the other one wants a snack, when you see what they made for you on mothers day three years ago, you remember why you love them!
So if you find you often miss important dates, can’t find the school canteen menu or what day is Sports Day again, try turning the back of your pantry door into a information station noticeboard. If the front of your fridge is full of bills, party invites, it’s clutter, have a cull and think of a place to move it to where it is out of the way but somewhere where you will see it everyday.
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on organising, DIY, parenting, meals, gardening, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

Organisation is an art form well worth mastering. Thanks for linking up for Flash Blog Friday 🙂
Shame my kids find it art in destroying all that I organise!!! R
Great posts, lots of helpful hints!! Love seeing the birthday calendar in use!! Thankyou for linking up to the Love it Like it Link it!!
Hey, thanks for the comment Kat, I even have my sister-in-law getting in on the birthday calendar action! Very handy we have a huge family with lots of birthdays to remember! R