For those that are new to my blog, my husband is in the Air Force and is currently deployed overseas far far away. This doesn’t mean we don’t hear from him, in fact with modern technology we are able to hear from him almost everyday, sometimes it feels like he isn’t even away. This post is for anyone really but I thought people who’s husbands have to go away for work might get this one. You might have to click on the pic for it to make sense, I can’t be bothered doing it again!!!
See my husband’s job sees him working shift work, and when he’s not working he likes to check in at home, but as luck would have it most check in times are peek hour in our house! Like I am flat out, and working very hard towards my number one goal of 7pm bed time.
Have you ever heard of Skype? It’s where you can use the Internet to communicate and actually see each other. It’s really great for the kids they love to get on and have a good old chat. This is what happens at our dinner time, most Dads are at the table ours is in Afghanistan, yet he made it in time for dinner, via Skype.
I set the lap top up in the kitchen bench where everyone could see him and he could see everything and I just went about what I had to do and got to b*tch about my day to him. The kids had a chat and Master 8 did his spelling words with his Dad over the net, nice one less thing for me to do! However I find it really hard to just sit and chat because in my head I have 200 things I need to get done before bedtime and if I don’t get them all done I feel kind of stressed out. Silly I know, I guess I put a lot of pressure on myself to keep things running perfectly that it ends up not exactly being the most perfect way to do it.
So if you have family away interstate of overseas have a look at Skype and you can stay in contact and see each other when ever you like. It’s better than a phone call and the best thing is it’s free!!
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