Before you start to think what to put in your mouth, you should be thinking more about what you put in your trolley at the supermarket. This post was inspired by Little Miss 4 who I got stuck with the other day whilst doing a big food shop. She slowed the entire trip down and cost me a good $30 extra with her pester power that I wouldn’t have spent had she not been there. Yes he is strapped in tight he wasn’t going anywhere!
Today I am sharing some tips that I have learnt over the years that will help you shop for good healthy clean foods and help you stick to your list and budget.
Work Out A Weekly Meal Plan. This way you will shop with purpose and you are not in there looking for meal ideas. Work out at least 5 meals for the week you are shopping for and shop around them. Aim to eat the fresh food at the beginning of the week (ie meat and salad) then the pastas dishes at the end of the week this will stop you throwing out fruit and veg you never got around to eating.
Never Shop Hungry. Eat before you go out, just have something that will last you the hour so you are not tempted every corner you turn down. If you shop hungry your taste-buds will fill the trolley not your brain. This will just cost you more on impulse buying and end up on your hips anyway.
Leave The Kids At Home. Kids are amazing at getting you to buy all sorts of things that were never on the list. Things that are at 4 year old eye level have little nutrition and are over priced anyway. They pester you and wear you down, in go the Tiny Teddies, Popcorn, Marshmallows, and whatever other crap they have seen on TV. Leave them home and leave the crap out of your trolley.
The Real Food Is Around The Perimeter. Have you ever noticed each shop is set up somewhat the same. The real food is around the outside of the shop, you can be sure one wall is full of fruit and veg, one wall is dairy and one wall is meat, the other wall is the check outs. In side these 4 walls is where all the junk lurks waiting to pounce on your trolley. Try to stay out of the center isles to avoid processed junk.
Don’t Be Fooled By Fake Health Foods. Don’t think that the giant Gluten Free Double Chocolate Muffin is healthy, it’s not it’s just gluten free junk food. Watch out for frozen meals that look healthy but are full of preservatives and salt to help with their freezer life.
Avoid The Evil Isles. If you know you can’t walk past a packet of Honey Soy Kettle chips then don’t even go down that isle. If you know you can’t walk past Cadburys Marvelous Creations chocolate then don’t even go down that isle. You will be tempted and you will buy it, hold you chin up and walk right past that nasty isle.
Follow these tips and you should find you spend less at your next shopping trip. If you shop clean you have a better chance of eating clean. If you eat clean your body will thank you for it, and so will your future self.
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on organising, DIY, parenting, meals, gardening, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

Great tips 🙂 I can easily add $50 to my grocery bill if I shop when I’m hungry.
Thanks Karen, so true amazing what a little pre-planning can do! R
Some very good points here 🙂 I am a huge believer in the meal plan, saves money and time. And oh my gosh when I shop hungry I buy so much garbage! And I completely agree about leaving the kids at home, I have well behaved children but I still don’t like to take them grocery shopping. Their gorgeous little pleas always result in unecessary spending x
Kelly, it’s funny because I realised if you look in my trolley I have a watermelon (me), Tim Tams and Mint Slices (kids)!! R
I know I should do all these things – but alas I rarely do! Thanks for linking up for Flash Blog Friday 🙂
My pleasure Bree! R