How to raise organised kids, be organised yourself, it rubs off so I have found out this last week. There have been a few occasions lately that have almost brought a little tear to my organised eye that I have been dying to share.
Over the last few weeks I have got up to find that Little Miss 4, being the first one up each day, has got out all the breakfast foods, cups, bowls, spoons, Milo, milk, butter, Vegemite etc ready for me to make breaky for everyone, very cute.
The other evening I got Mr 1 out of the bath and dressed him to find Little Miss 4 standing behind me in tears. What I didn’t even realise was laid out on the change table an outfit and nappy all prepared by Little Miss 4 who was offended that I did not dress him in what she had organised, very cute.
It get’s better. Mr 8 made this gorgeous chores roster all by himself and stuck it up in the kitchen for us all to follow. He said ‘I do too much and we should be sharing the work’, god I love this kid he is going to make an awesome husband some day! However I do feel my name ended up on the roster too much! Very cute.
The one that takes the cake was last Friday night Little Miss 4 brought me in a zip lock bag full of strawberries and wanted it zip locked. Then she brought in a Vegemite sandwich and wanted that zip locked too. When I asked her what she was doing she told me she was making her lunch for Kindy on Monday it was only Friday night, LOVE IT.
So if you are organised and running a tight ship or disorganised and all over the shop you can guarantee the little people who appear to just be watching TV or playing with toys are actually taking it all in and learning from your behaviour. If you model organisation the little people wont know any better and will pick it up very quickly. The kids knowing what to do really helps me out, they know to empty the dishwasher, they know to put their pjs away, they know to get up and get dressed in the morning, these seemingly little things save me so much time and save us all tears. It makes a huge difference when the kids are in on it too.
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What amazing kids 🙂
Thank you Jessica, they are good kids I am very lucky! R
So cute!
DS knows after his bath, he goes to bed! Then folded by school. Lately he has been saying “I don’t want to go to bed/school” when we tell him it’s time for a bath!!! Pitty Dad doesn’t pick up on any routine!!!
Ha ha, that’s cute! R