18 months ago I gave birth to a baby whale, a whopping 10lbs2oz bouncing boy bounced out of a 10cm incision in my lower abdomen. What was left of my body after my third c-section to my third over-sized mammal was a bit ugly there for a while. There was stuff wobbling and hanging all over the place and it really bothered me, even in the early days after his birth. I guess I felt the normal pressure that’s slapped on us by the media etc to bounce back in to shape in record time. I was prepared to eat clean and do the hard work to move the 17kgs I had gained but in the meantime while nothing would fit I found a great short term solution. Credit Image: Google (not me but this is what I bought)
Shapewear, hold me tight, spanx whatever you know it as it’s what you wear over your underwear but under your clothes. It’s not just for grannies, it’s for everyone wanting to hold a little something in. What has inspired me to come clean and confess that without my shapewear I could very well have given up and just kept wearing my maternity jeans was this article below I found online and thought I would share my thoughts on them too. I had a black pair of the Shapewear brand from Target and they held my fat butt in and enabled me to get back in to my clothes so much faster. People would say ‘you are looking great’ and I knew my little secret was working. When I took them off there was no way my butt would fit in to my pre-baby jeans, but with them on I was able to wear them. You should by a size smaller than what you are so they are tight and doing their job!!
I saw this article the other day and thought I would share it and share just how great these things can be, don’t be scared of them and don’t associate them with grandmas. They are great if you have a few lumps and bumps that are getting you down, go get some they will hold you in and give you back even just a little bit of confidence that you crave. I no longer wear them as I did shift my 17kgs but they really did help in the early days and I can highly recomend them!
Hit this link for a look at what’s actually under the celebs clothing Stars show off their Spanx turns out they are only human too!
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My physio also recommended I wear them for at least 6 weeks after birth to support the pelvis and all those stretched muscles.
Fiona, Yes they are also great for correcting the way you hold yourself. There you go everyone even Physio’s love them! R
My youngest is just over 1 now, but I have (finally!) jumped back on the exercise train and have about 30kgs to shift. Do you think they’d help now – even with the whole ‘keeping it sucked in’ thing?
Rebecca, Yes wont hurt to try! Try some on next time you are at the shops you might get a nice surprise! Great to hear you have found the motivation to start getting active take is slow, be consistent and really start to eat clean food! If you wouldn’t give it to your 1 year old then don’t go anywhere near it! Try some shapewear on for sure! R
I love spanks – like really love them! They are my best friends!!! I have a dress, singlet, high undies, low undies… haha!
Katrina, I know right they rock any outfit! R