A really great habit to get in to is making all the sandwiches for the week on Sunday and freezing them, this way you will never run out of bread during the week and you save yourself a heap of time in the mornings. You can even go one step further and fill their lunch boxes each evening. I do it as soon as they get home from school.
To pack a healthy lunch for your little nugget stay away from the processed crap, same rules for us should apply to them. They really really don’t need all the sugar and sh*t that is in a LCM. It’s ok for a sometimes thing but keep it clean and easy for you. Make a recess box, keep it in the fridge. Think fruit, yogurt, cheese these are what has worked for me.
I pack the fruit and frozen sandwich the night before and if he’s lucky and I remember he gets a yogurt or cheese also. This just adds some protein to keep him fuller for longer, plus he is 8 and growing very fast the fruit just doesn’t cut it like it did in reception. Think veggies too, a carrot is a food, it doesn’t need to be peeled just chuck it in, a chunk of cucumber any veggie is a great idea. For some reason a school recess snack triggers packets of chips or sweet biscuits, do your growing child a favour and give them real food.
The more food the more you can be sure they are getting enough, an empty lunch box could mean they are still hungry, if it comes home with food still in it you did good and they are full. Once you have spent 10 minutes doing a bit of prep on Sunday you get this time back each morning. It is really worth it for one less drama in the mornings let me tell you! You can even get really organised and put the lunch boxes in their bags in the car ready to go. You will be amazed how much time it will save.
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on organising, DIY, parenting, meals, gardening, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

I love the idea of having everything pre-organised. I have a basket for recess time snacks too but not as healthy looking as yours! And I love the look of those yoghurts. I haven’t seen them before but I’m going to keep an eye out for them. They look a lot more manageable than a tub & spoon! Great ideas again, thank you x
Sharon, you are so welcome. The yoghurts are great you can even freeze them for hot days they thaw out by recess. R