Let’s face it who’s got time to bake, here is a cheap easy idea to keep bored kids busy
Bit of Christmas fun for bored school holiday kids. Purchase a packet of Christmas themed biscuit’s, these were $4 from Coles. Grab out the icing sugar and any kind of left over sprinkles from any previous Supermum cake decorating attempts.
The idea is to keep it simple and let the kids do it, don’t go all Mather Stewart and take the fun out of it. Make the icing and hand over the reins to the kids. Let them ice the biscuit’s and decorate. I couldn’t be bothered fluffing around with food colouring so I cracked open a packet of green jelly crystal’s to decorate the trees. Which then lead to making jelly.
Here is my little Christmas biscuit artist admiring her work before the vulture’s swoop in and clean them up. Once the sticky fingers are cleaned up make a cup of tea, sit down take a load off and enjoy some Christmas carbs!
It’s the little things in childhood that you remember the most.
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