Over the last 8 years I have been blessed with 3 happy healthy heavy baby hippos. Master 8 was 9lbs14oz delivered via emergency c-section after they realised that giant little human wouldn’t fit out of my petite birth canal. Little Miss 4 was delivered 2 weeks early via c-section as she too was getting huge she weighed in at 9lbs1oz, lucky we got her out early. Not to be outdone Mr Chilled 1 my third c-section weighed in at a massive 10lbs2oz, ok you win fat guy. I did not have any kind of diabetes apparently I am just very good at making very efficient placentas that provide little suckers with lots of nutrients and oxygen a recipe for a healthy human. So after 3 giant babies via 3 yucky c-sections I have managed to look after my core and put it all back in to place and that’s what I wanted to share with all my yummy mummies today.
There are lifestyle changes that you can make for great results however today I want to share 2 ideas you can start right away:
- Put Your Watch On The Opposite Wrist. By doing this, you will continue to look at your normal wrist every time you think ‘what’s the time?’. The moment you think huh my watch isn’t there, you then remind yourself to hold in your belly in and stand up straight again. It works, it will become a habit, you need to make it a new habit.
- Door Way To A Better Core. Every Time you walk through a door way which can be 100 times a day, remind yourself to stand up straight and suck your belly back in. Keep doing it until it becomes a new habit.
Just because you have had a baby doesn’t mean it’s all over for your figure, no it doesn’t, even a c-section isn’t the end of the world you can recover and return to the cat walk if you want to! But it is a choice you have to make, do I want to be active and get out of my maternity jeans, yes you do and yes you should. I am not going to lecture you about exercise you know you need to get active here is a previous post on Losing The Baby Weight.
Try these two free ideas starting now to help get your core and posture back where it is meant to be. Enough with slouching and enough with the ‘I’ve had kids’ line. These are two simple ways you can help yourself today, give it a try.
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