The soreness you feel after a workout is NORMAL and is actually a good thing and it means you worked hard so it’s not something to avoid or to be scared of. When we bust out a workout we create little tiny tears in the muscle fibers and it’s these tears that cause the ouch factor. They are usually most inflamed on the second day after so if you aren’t sore the next day watch out for the day after. The good news is your body will now repair the muscles from the stress you caused them and they will grow back stronger. So don’t fear that sore feeling, even if you can’t walk or sit on the loo it’s actually a good thing. If you are starting out just know that it wont always feel like that, it’s only because it’s so new to your muscles they will get stronger and they will be able to cope with more without getting so sore each workout.
One way to ease your muscle soreness is to eat watermelon. Watermelon contains l-citrulline, an amino acid that seems to protect against muscle pain. Just like its name suggests water melon is made up of 90% water, it’s low in calories and high in vitamins so it gets the healthy food tick from me. It also contains a high concentration of lycopene that is believed to help fend of cancers. Put some in your trolley already.
So your new after workout food could be watermelon, or at least start including it in your day. Too many people cut out fruit because they are scared of carbs they are also cutting out the nutritional value of such a food. Eat fruit because it’s good for you, in fact you should be eating two serves a day everyday.

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