Do you find yourself getting stuck for healthy lunch ideas? Then this is the post for you. For your lunch to be ideal it should have some carbs, some protein, some salad and should be relatively quick and easy to slap together. Today I am sharing how I manage to have a healthy lunch most days be it a work day or a stay at home day.
I buy a $10 BBQ Chicken from Coles on Sunday. Then I pull that chubby little bird to bits, taking off as much of the meat as I can and storing it in a air tight container in the fridge. This then becomes my go to when I make my lunch, dinner or just chicken and avocado crackers for a snack. Doing this I can get up to six meals out of it that is keeping it in the fridge for not more than three days, (now remember I worked at KFC as a spring chicken I know my chicken storage facts!!).
There are so many quick and easy meals you can now make with your chicken meat ready on hand. Another idea is to have baby spinach in a similar container on hand so when you grab out the chicken you grab out the salad too, just increases chances of you eating healthier. If you are working that day, slap together a chicken salad. So simple just chicken meat, baby spinach leaves, tomato and some Greek yoghurt.
Here is another idea I love a chicken wrap for lunch, takes 2 minutes to slap together in the morning to take to work or to have for lunch at home. Buy grainy wraps, baby spinach, avocado, chicken and my all time fav Greek yoghurt. Once you start adding mayo or salad dressings you might as well deep fry it or add a cup of sugar to it.
So easy with a little bit of prep you can save yourself time during the day or save yourself making a bad choice at work. Try and eat some protein with every meal and this is a great cheap way to achieve that for lunch and dinner. I get a good 6 – 7 meals just for me out of this. Try it and see how much easier it makes your lunch time.
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LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! Thankyou
Welcome welcome welcome!! R
I love this idea, but I struggle to find flatbread that does not contain nasty preservatives. It’s crazy how many nasties are in these things, other than Mountain Bread.
Oh and while we are talking yoghurt. Which brand do you recommend? Do you always only have the greek style?
I read some interesting info the other day on having full fat yoghurt instead of low fat as it often contains less sugar. Would love to hear your thoughts?
I usually go for Yalna low fat. Have just changed to full fat this week.