Super Sunday Tips For A Marvellous Monday Morning!
Sunday is one day that starts off slowly with the promise of a little sleep in, once you open your Sunday morning eyes, your wonderful husband will most probably bring you breakfast in bed, on vintage china, with a cute pot of tea to wake you up. After a lay in reading your favourite mag, lazing back looking at the birds playing on the front lawn through the open French window from your bed, you drag yourself out of your Egyptian cotton sheets and step in to a gorgeous bubble bath that your wonderful man made for you whilst keeping the children occupied making biscuits for morning tea. Ok wake up, none of this is going to happen, Sunday mornings are just a tease of the way things aren’t and the week that you are about to belly flop in to!
Today I want to share my ideas on using Sunday mornings to set yourself up for the week, with out too much stress.
Your Lunch For The Week – Super Soup Idea. Once everyone is fed and happy, chop up the veggies in the crisper that you bought with good intentions and make a soup. Today I had pumpkins and sweet potatoes so in the pot they went. Soup is great, easy to make, easy to eat and easy to freeze for meals later in the week, or work lunches. Once the veggies are cooked, puree, have some for lunch, when it’s cool grab some zip lock bags, pop a cups worth of soup in. Zip them up, lay flat and freeze. How easy, now you have lunch for work, or lunch at home, or lunch for hubby. If you freeze them laying flat they don’t take up much room and defrost very quickly. Don’t add cream, it wont defrost well and it will turn in to cellulite, just saying!
School Lunches For The Week. Start the production line. The easiest thing for school lunches is a good old fashioned Vegemite sanga. I make these Sunday morning, wrap them up in Gladwrap and freeze. I grab one out each week night when I make school lunch for the next day. They defrost back to their fresh yummy self in no time. I don’t muck around with Deli meats, cheese anything that can go bad or soggy has on a hot day etc, so I have learnt to keep it simple. If you wanted to ham and cheese sandwiches will also freeze and defrost nicely. By doing this you will never run out of bread on Thursday morning! See I know how it goes!
Recess For The Week – My Sweet Tooth. Sunday is a good day to get your bake on! Today I made some banana muffins. We had some for morning tea, and the rest are Glad wrapped and frozen for recesses during the week. If I make muffins and leave them out, there is a good chance I will eat them all, so by freezing them, when I want one I grab it out of the freezer, come back in 15 mins and it’s ready to go. You can also do this with hot crossed buns, just stops you being a pig and eating more than you should, like I have been known to do.
So there you have my three Super Sunday Tips for a Marvellous Monday Morning! Give it a try and make it your routine and you will save money, time and your sanity. It sounds like I’ve been in the kitchen all day but it really can all be done at the same time and took about 30 minutes, time well invested I say!
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