How did your little Cherubs go on the first day back at school? Mine went pretty good, considering I was out the door by the time they even got moving. There are a few time saver I’ve had to learn over the years both from being a full time working Mum to being a stay at home Mum with a working away from home Dad. So today I am sharing what works for me and saves so much time in the morning with just a little bit of organisation the night before you too can get out the door on time.
Save Time With Breakfast
The biggest hold up in the morning is breakfast. So to save a heap of time I get most of it out before I go to bed and have it ready on the bench for the morning. You would be surprised just how much time this can save.
Save Time With Dinner Prep
I know we are both going to be home late tonight so it’s spag bol in the slow cooker. This saves time tonight so when I walk in the door tea’s ready to go. So last night I got the pasta, pasta sauce, can of tomatoes and the slow cooker all out on the bench ready to go and it also works as a reminder so I don’t forget to make it in the morning.
Slow Cooker Healthy Spag Bol Recipie
Save Time With The Kids School Bags
Each night the kids bags are packed and ready to go this includes lunch boxes. Then their little bags are put in the car so there are loss dramas in the morning. This obviously wouldn’t work when it’s really hot but right now it works and saves heaps of time.
So there are just three simple ideas you can try in your home to help you get out the door on time with less tears and dramas. These all work great for me and streamline our morning routine. Everyone knows the deal so there are rarely dramas. Hope these ideas can help you out. Sh*t look as the time, I need to get in the shower, great now I’m late LOL!!!!
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