Tomorrow is Monday morning I know it seems like ages away as it’s now only Sunday morning and you just feel like enjoying the weekend, however by doing a few simple things today that might only take 15 minutes could save you so much hassle on Monday morning.
Organising School Lunches
Each Sunday I make the kids school lunches (sandwiches) at breakfast time and freeze them. Then when it’s time to refill their lunch box each morning, it’s already done the night before. I refill their lunch box as soon as they get home. I pop in their fruit, some recess, and a frozen sandwich. By the morning it has defrosted and I have saved myself a sh*t load of time in the morning.
Organising School Bags
Once the lunch boxes are refilled and water bottles refilled, we do homework. Once home work is done and packed away the school bags with their already made lunches go back in the car ready for tomorrow. So once again I have omitted the “Where is your school bag?” drama and have saved myself a sh*t load more time in the morning.
Organising School Uniforms/Clothes
Mr 8 has a uniform for school while Little Miss 4 just wears whatever is going for Kindy. I like to get their clothes ready each night. They each have a little basket which lives in the laundry where each night I pop clean clothes in it for the morning. So there is no more running around crying “I can’t find my socks” dramas.
Such a simple yet little bit of organisation around 4pm in the afternoon saves me up to half an hour on any given school day morning. It’s just me and the three kids so I have had to learn ways to stream line the process and the best way is to do more the night before. By making their lunches as soon as they get home, by putting their bags in the car ready for the next morning and by getting their clothes ready the night before I have managed to take all the stress, fights and tears out of our mornings. Everyone knows what they are wearing and where to get it, everyone knows their bag is already in the car. Everyone knows the drill and the drill rocks! Give it a go you will kick yourself if you haven’t already been doing it!
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