If you know you need to get started but you have no idea where to start then I have and idea for you.
I know you want to start but you don’t know how or where to, well let me guide you and see what you think. Today I want you to do two things:
1. Tell yourself you are starting today.
2. Download the BeepTest App for your iPhone/iPod/iPad.
This App is free, and running is free, so it’s win win! Grab a kid and a tape measure. Measure out 20 meters. We did it just on the foot path out the front of the house, I also recommend the car park at your local school or anywhere bitumen and flat with no cars.
Your Biggest Challenge Is You
Your biggest challenge is you, it’s the burn in your lungs, the ache in your legs, there will be this voice in your head that keeps telling you to stop, but you do not listen as she is a liar, you just push harder until you learn to let that voice fade. Instead of ‘I can’t’ you start to realise “I can”. Then you learn that the person you thought you were not, you can in fact be, it’s not too late, you can do this, with my help and you heart. If you can run, you are a runner, it doesn’t matter how fast or how slow you go! Don’t ask me why I run, ask yourself why you don’t?
What Is The Beep Test?
It is this really hard really scary test, um no! It is a start point, a tool to test where you are at and something to look back on as you get fitter that will show you results even when the scales aren’t telling you what you want to hear. It was developed by Scientist’s in the 80s to measure ones cardiovascular fitness. It’s so accurate it’s what we use in the Defence Force as a bench mark for fitness testing of applicants. Most emergency services use it too so that’s the part where is gets it’s fear factor from. Today us Mums use it to gauge our fitness, for a start point that soon we look back on and have a better faster result. With me?
I did just this this morning, I ran to level 9.1 then pulled up thinking I may die. But that is the point of the test to push you to your max to give you a score, something to improve on. I intend to do it once a week and to see if I can get faster. Do it with me, it costs you nothing yet if offers so much gain. If you get to level 1.5 great you got off your butt and did it, if you get higher awesome, if you beat me I hate you!! 🙂
No matter how slow you go you are still running faster than everyone on the couch. Lets run away together.
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