Everyone wants to know the secret of how to get their belly back after they’ve had a baby, or just wants to look better in a bikini so this post is for you. The secret to strong abs is NOT doing sit ups. Sit ups have their place but the are probably the worst thing you can do postpartum. The secret is working your whole core, front, back and sides, so no more sit ups ladies, you are wasting your time.
There is a better way to strengthen your abs post bubs and todays FREE workout is for the new Mum’s, beginners, or even someone advanced chuck this on the end of your current workout for a real burn.
Click on ‘Renee’s Sexy Sunday Workout’ to download a PDF copy to keep
#1 Plank – Start on your knees if you have to, just start. Hold for 30 seconds, do this 3 times with a break in between each set.
#2 Superman’s – (Or Supermum’s) Lay on your belly lift your arms & legs evenly up towards the sky, hold for 30 seconds, do this 3 times with a break in between each set.
#3 Side Plank – Start on your knees if you have to, just start. Hold for 30 seconds, then swap sides hold that side for 30 seconds, do this 3 times with a break in between each set.
When to do it? Go for a 15 minute walk or jog then when you get back do this as you will be warm. If you are time poor do this anytime you wont be wasting your time I promise. Do this three times a week.
It really is that easy ladies, these simple moves will build your core strength which was so stretched and damaged whilst being preggas. Do this three times a week for a stronger core which will turn into a flat belly with some clean eating and cardio.
Feedback is welcome.
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