You Really Want To Eat Better But You Just Don’t Know Where To Start Then Keep Reading
I often have reader questions about how to eat better during the day, what to eat at work or looking for snack ideas. My best advice I can give is plan plan plan, without a plan you are planning to fail. I am sure you pack your kids school lunch each morning or night but have you given some thought to packing your own lunch? Well you should. Even if you stay at home with the kids don’t write off a packed lunch. Here’s what I do, when I make the kids school lunch or have left overs from tea I make my own lunch for the next day. Not everyday I’m not that organised but the days I do it I always eat better and don’t hang off the fridge door moaning “what can I eat?”, because the work is already done, there is my lunch ready to go.
Here is tomorrows lunch, left over BBQ Chicken with baby spinach leaves, tomato, avocado and Greek yoghurt. Two snacks are also ready to go, Greek yoghurt with blueberries and some nuts to munch on. It’s really that simple to put a little bit of thought into what you will eat tomorrow and it will save you feeling lazy at lunch time and making a bad choice. If you are heading out somewhere chuck the nuts in your hand bag and instead of grabbing deep fried nastiest at the food court wait until you get home put your feet up and eat clean on the food you prepared the night before.
Before anyone has a melt down I do of course eat more than that, this is just me showing you what I have prepared in advance. You’d be blown away by some of the comments and or emails I get at times when really I am just trying to help others OMG!
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I love this, because it was a similiar post last year that got me doing exactly this and helped me to drop 3.5 kilo’s.
I started packing snacks to take with me to eat when I was out, or after exercising.
I found it has really helped me to have a banana and some nuts to eat (especially after the gym, when I am starving) and avoided me wanting to go buy a muffin or something.
Now I am trying to pack some veg as well so that I get that extra serve of vegies.
I think planning ahead is key and not leaving it until you are absolutely starving and will eat anything.
Great post!
Kat, that’s great and thank you for sharing. It does make a big difference a little bit of planning ahead. R
Renee, I wonder if you had any ideas about low carb lunch ideas? Because of you, I now go to the gym 4 to 5 days a week and am eating a LOT healthier, but I have put on weight! Oddly though, clothes have not got tighter, maybe a but looser. Have I gained muscle do you think? Thanks
Julie, that’s awesome! Do not be put off by the scales as they are in fact telling you that you have put on some lean muscle. Loss of CMs (that make clothes looser) but not losing scale weight is proof of this. I will work out some lunch ideas for you for sure. Post to come soon. x R
YUMMY!!! What a simple but effective lunch 🙂
#Tust Visiting
Yvette, yum it was.
This is so relevant for me at the moment, thanks for the tips 🙂 #TUST
Monique you are very welcome. R
I am a new member on the TTUT Links – Thank you for these great tips!
Can’t wait to read your older posts for more 🙂
Lexi, glad you like them. R
I agree planning is a huge part in the process and plan for tempation too or times you know you are likely to reach for the choc biscuits.
Mands, agreed! R
Thanks for the tip. Your salad looks fabulous!
Lynda, fab & super easy. R
I can’t wait to start packing my own lunches, I get my 7 year old daughter to make her lunches for school each afternoon… So why shouldn’t I make my own lunch in that time. I would be teaching her that in order to be healthy everyone needs to eat healthily.
I am not packing my lunches for fear of eating something unhealthy, it’s because sometimes I skip meals because I have been studying too much ( I study via distance uni), or have just not been motivated to make myself a healthy lunch, and then Ill end up going for my jog to pick up my daughter from school – with an empty stomach, NOT cool.