Ask yourself how much food do you eat that doesn’t have a bar code on it? Probably the odd apple here and there and maybe some veggies with your dinner am I right? So today I am sharing the ways I have come up with to really make an effort to eat clean healthy foods without it feeling all too hard. Our bodies are designed to eat foods that don’t come with bar codes, but try telling your taste buds that. So keep reading for some inspiration to get you thinking about what you are shoving in your mouth.
It is just so easy to grab a pack of chips, biscuits, chocolate, noodles, anything convenient where all the work has been done and you just have to eat it. However the price you pay for this convenience laziness is you are eating processed crap when your body needs clean healthy foods to function at its best. So we need to consciously consider eating foods without bar codes but we also have to make it easier on ourselves in order for us to make the right choice.
Instead of putting all your fresh fruits and veg in the crisper and forgetting about them, get them all out and chop them up right now. Pop them in air tight containers that you felt guilted in to buying at your friends Tupperware party. Then put them in the fridge for snacking on through out the day. Put them at kid height and watch them gobble it all up, before you know it you will have to re-stock what may have gone old and been tossed when hidden away in the crisper. You already know you need to eat more fruit and vegetables, so try and make it easier for yourself.
Think of ways to remind you through out the day that you are going to eat healthy bar code free snacks. I am trying hard to eat 7 fruit/veg a day, so in the morning I pick out what I will eat for that day, put it in a bowl, leave it on the bench and each time I cruise in to the kitchen looking some something to eat I grab one of my fruits or vegetables from the bowl and eat that. Once they are all gone, then and only then I can eat something with a bar code! It’s just about reprogramming your habits, tricking yourself in to healthier choices, and making it easy to make these better choices.
Try chopping up your fruit and veg and having it ready to go, and try a 5 fruit/veg bowl on the bench everyday. Try to eat as many foods without bar codes that you can for the rest of the week. Watch you skin glow and the skin around your finger nails stop flaking!
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