Last few weeks have been tough, one of my stinky little kids brought a gastro bug in to the house so we all ended up with it. Just when that cleared up, and it looked like life back to normal, Mr One woke up crying at 8pm at night looking limp and feeling hot. Sure enough with a temp of 38.1 he was not well. I insert Baby Nurofen and spend the next 20 minutes laying in his cot with him with wet face washes wetting his hair and face. Temp comes down, good night don’t let the bed bugs bite. Wakes up at 5am, same drill. Doesn’t drink his bottle. Hmmm.
Morning comes, up are the two others, needing, wanting, asking, consuming my energy. Mr One now has a blotchy rash on his face and clearly can’t swallow. So it’s a case of drop of the big ones to kindy and school and make a Doctor’s appointment. By the time we go to the Dr he now had a rash on his chest, was just clearly very unwell and a miserable sh*t. Easy diagnosis given away by two disgusting pussy tonsils, “Your son has Tonsillitis, he will need antibiotics, help keeping his temp down, he will get worse before he gets any better, it’s contagious and you will have a sick little boy for the next few days!” GREAT!!!
When you just want to take them home, it’s off to the chemist. Purchase antibiotics, Children’s Panadol and Childern’s Nurofen, then nip in to the shop to find somethings he may be able to get down to keep him feed and hydrated. Here’s what worked for us:
Medicine. Give pain and fever relief ever 4 hours, I hate giving my kids any kind of drugs and do it only when they really need it. A great tip is to alternate between paracetamol and ibuprofen as the paracetamol is broken down by the liver and the ibuprofen is broken down by the kidney’s, so you are not over loading one organ rather sharing the load.
Antibiotics. Ours states to be given before food. But knowing he probably wont eat, I timed it before his bottle. Nothing comes between Mr One and his bottle. There is no Mr Nice guy here, this needs to be done with stealth and precision. Once they see it coming they will lock shut their mouth like a crocodile in a death roll. Be strong and mission focused, walk up, sneak the syringe in their mouth before they’ve had time to figure out whats happening then shove the bottle in before the crying starts. It’s nasty but they need their medicine and it’s the only way to get it in with out tears or them spitting it out.
Diet. You must keep them hydrated and this may even mean giving them things you normally wouldn’t. Try and get them to eat foods that will boost their immune system, as they fight the infection it’s a great time to insert some Vit C hence the fruit. Really when they are sick anything goes in order to help them with a speedy recovery. I know Mr Ones favourite foods which all work out great for a sore throat so I stocked up on them and had them ready to go.
The hardest part is putting everything else on hold and sitting on the couch with them and watching bad kids tv just to help them feel better. For the last few days I’ve had to look after sick rash boy who is finally coming better. I’m stuffed. Think someone should come look after me!!
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Oh no! That is terrible, poor little thing, I hope he recovers quickly.
Hey Julie, yep he is back up and running!! Thanks 🙂 R