Every now and again I get this feeling that comes over me, it can be on any given day at any time of the day and once it starts I can’t stop it. Today was the day, I just stood at the fridge with the door wide open looking for the marg to make the kids Vegemite toast when it hit me, ‘OMG I need to clean the fridge’. So it began my Sunday morning PJ fridge cleaning frenzy! It’s a bit of a job and you really have to be in the mood to do it, but if you get the urge don’t fight it because at the end you will have clean fridge, as there is nothing worse than leaving an obvious job hanging over your head so that every time you see it you find yourself thinking, “Oh, I really need to fix this”, just do it I say, oh no technically Nike got in before me!
So first step is, turn on some fast loud fun music because you kind of want to get this done quickly so the fridge doesn’t have to work too hard with the door open and you don’t want to leave stuff out too long. Music on, ok good, fill up the sink with hot soapy water, now is a good time to start singing! I start with the door, slide out each condiment holder, bottle holder etc and wash it in the sink. You will find allsorts here, chocolate crumbs, dried sauce on the door, just get your scrub on and get it done.
Then empty as you go the guts of the fridge taking out each shelf and giving it a bubble bath in the sink. I find it helps to put a towel on the floor as its hard to stop water going everywhere. Once the fridge is empty and the shelves are clean give the inside of the fridge a wipe down, and if you want to get really fancy you can wipe some vanilla essence on the cloth and the fridge will smell like a cupcake. If you just get stuck in and get it done it should really only be a 15 minute job. Once you have put the fridge back together, go through you contents and chuck out anything old, any sauces that you haven’t used for over 6 months and anything that you think you may use that is really just taking up valuable space. Once your cull is done reload that bad boy up and get the door shut so it can get back to the correct temperature asap, especially if you have baby bottles in the fridge.
So now it is all clean and ready for the shopping to go in that I will do later today. It’s a good habit to go through the fridge on shopping day either before you go or before you put your new load of shopping away so you can stay on top of what’s in there. You don’t want a little person finding a yoghurt that is a week over due and getting a tummy ache. This big clean out should last a fair while, unless you spill milk or yoghurt like someone did today, you really shouldn’t have to do this job all that often. Now make a cup of tea and when you get the milk out you can admire your sparkling fridge.
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