Us Mums are just so damn busy, I mean between getting everyone up, feed, cleaned, dressed and out the door, dropped off, picked up, feed again, cleaned some more and put to bed it can feel like there is just no time for healthy eating in your day. So you don’t stop and eat do you, then you get hungry and snack on the kids food, like chips, chocolate, biscuits or worse food court crap. Today I want to share my ideas on healthy snacking through out the day and the ways I try to make it healthy and super easy.
You should aim to eat at least 3 meals a day, 6 small ones is even better as it keeps you metabolism burning all day long. When you get hungry in between meals it is fine to snack but it’s what you snack on that will make you unhappy in your bathers. It’s really black and white, stay away from the white crap, anything white is man made and bad for you, really it’s that simple. Try not to even bring it in to the house, that way you can’t eat it, that’s how I get around that one. Have healthy snacks on stand by so you are not forced to go in search for food or eat the kids recess. A bag of carrots was 90cents at Coles today, so go buy some they are a great snack that takes a while to chew that gives you that crunch and will fill you up. Grab one of your many containers from the Tupperware draw and stick some carrots in it, you don’t have to peel them, remember this is all about making it easy. Cucumbers aren’t just for a salad they can be a package free snack. Check out these cuties I always have these in the fridge. Open the cherry tomatoes, and take the grapes out of the bag and pop them in a bowl. That way when you open the fridge they are all staring you in the face and you do not have to go to any effort.
Another great snack is one with protein in it as it will keep you fuller for longer, so a boiled egg, some crackers with cheese, or yoghurt and nuts. Sounds complicated but really it’s not see how easy yoghurt and nuts can be, just dumb it down and keep it simple.
Abbs are made in the kitchen, so what you snack on does make a huge difference. Next time you do the food shopping, don’t just shop for lunches and dinners, give snacks some though too.
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on organising, DIY, parenting, meals, gardening, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

I loved this post! These are some of the tricks I use to get myself and my family to eat better! I also like to keep a container of chopped carrot, celery, capsicum etc. in the fridge for snacks…for the kids as well. I love to bring it out when the say the inevitable “I’m hungry!!”
This is so true. I find that when I am prepared in advance, I stick to the healthy snacks everytime. However if I leave until I am hungry I find myself reaching for the tiny teddies..
This is a good idea. I would always do this when I was working but I have slacked off since being at home. I’ll be going back to work in a couple of months and I’m going to try and get back on the healthy snacking band wagon. Thanks for linking up with Twinkle in the Eye for Flash Blog Friday 🙂
Bree, I know you make super healthy food for your bubba, you should do the same for his mumma! R
Yum! My kids love this kind of snacking! 😀
Hey Nicole, Veggies are such a great snack, the less prep the better and they are great for a crunch! I should do capsicum to but it makes me burp like a total pig!! R
Rhia, Yep it is worth the extra 7 minutes of setting it up in the fridge it needs to be right there in your face so you don’t have to think too much. OMG I cheated and had a pack of tiny teddy’s today, I feel so human now! R
Carmen, your dentist will love you! Or hate you as you put them out of work! R