Who’s confused about choosing a protein powder for women? I was, so I am sharing what I’ve learnt. This is not a product review where I have received a freebie this is just what works for me.
I get lots of readers asking me how to choose the right protein powder as there are so many on the market. Another frequently asked question is why do I need a protein powder? You need protein everyday to build and repair muscle tissue as some parts of protein your body can not make. Ways to get it eat protein rich foods like chicken, beef, eggs, milk, cheese, fish and of course supplements like protein powders. Protein also plays a role in bone growth, repairing tissues, ligaments, organs, glands, nails and hair are also made from proteins, that got your attention didn’t it ladies! However this post isn’t about why you need it its about choosing a protein powder.
Look in the ingredients for one that has 1-5 grams of fat per serve.
Look in the ingredients for one that has 1-5 grams of carbs per serve.
Again read the container and aim for about 20-30 grams per serving.
I highly recommend not being tempted by the fancy flavours available, just buy vanilla. This way you can add the flavours you feel like, such as banana, strawberries, coffee etc and you can use vanilla in porridge and pancakes etc.
When preggas or BF you need higher levels of protein so a protein powder gives you that insurance. I used a natural Pea Protein with my last pregnancy as and afternoon smoothie.
Best thing to do is go to your local Health Food shop and just say you are interested in purchasing a protein powder for either weight loss, weight management, muscle gain or just to up your protein intake and they will show you whats available. Most of it is packaging and marketing, read the nutrition info on the container keeping in mind what i’ve said to look for above. You can use your mans powder as it is similar maybe just higher levels per serve. I use vanilla protein powder in my porridge for breaky, a protein shake after gym, and in a smoothie in the afternoon. I swear by a high protein, low-fat and low-carb diet and the best way for me to achieve this is not by eating 3 chicken breasts or 8 egg whites a day, rather having it with my breaky and two shakes during the day, that’s what works for me. I am not a nutritionist but my abs speak for themselves, come on just joking, come on that was funny!
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