I know as soon as I put this out there my lucky streak will more than likely end, but here goes…. Little Miss 4 who thinks she is Rapunzel and refused to have her hair cut has never had head lice. There are a few things I do with her hair that I think may have contributed to this winning streak so I wanted to share what works for us. She does go to Child care and she does go to Kindy so she has had her share of exposure to the little bugs but so far so good.
The two golden rules I live by:
- Don’t wash their hair. As feral as that sounds, nits love clean scalps to hang out, get married and start a family. I don’t wash the kids hair, hang on hang on they still have lovely shiny hair if I didn’t tell you that you would never know. Their natural oils keep their hair clean and shiny. I do wash it of course if they get boogers stuck in there or food, or mud etc, I just don’t wash their hair often.
- Always put their hair up. Little Miss 4 is never allowed to leave the house without her hair being done in some sort of ‘up do’. If you can make the time it’s worth putting their hair up it makes it so much harder for the critter’s to get in. Also if you spray it with hairspray it’s like an invisible defence the buggies can’t get past that.
None of this is science of course it is just what has worked for me and the kids. I have also heard good things about making a squirty bottle of water, conditioner and a few drops of Tea Tree Oil to spray on the hair to repel the little ugly bugs.
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I know I will be cursing myself too Renee, but we are the same here. The kids hair gets washed once a week and the girls hair is hairsprayed every morning before they go to school. So far so good and they are 8, 6 & 4.
Paula, That’s a lot of girls, I’m the eldest of 4 girls so I get it! I have 8, 4 & 1, couldn’t imagine squeezing one in between the 8 & 4 yr old! That could be a blog post the gaps between babies thanks! R