Now that we have covered what to eat and when, lets talk about how much. Lets touch on maybe why you have been eating too much or drinking your calories. There are a few tricks you can use to overcome this.
You have become accustom to a full belly feeling, to you that means you have eaten enough. Some of us don’t stop until we feel sick because it’s just what we’ve always done. You do not need to eat until you feel like this to be getting enough food. To feel like this is in fact not how it is meant to feel. You shouldn’t feel bloated and like you will pop in order to feel satisfied. It’s just a bit of retraining and we can fix this.
Here is a picture displaying good portion sizes, they are unique to each individual as we all have different sized hands so it works well as a guide. So next time you order a schnitzel I bet you $100 it is bigger than your palm and I bet you feel obliged to eat it all as you paid for it and it will be a waste if you don’t. Am I right? It isn’t a waste of food it is a waste of you if you eat it.
TRICKS TO TRICK YOU: If you don’t feel full after you know you have had a good meal, stop eating. It’s true that it can take up to 20 minutes for you to register that you are full. In that time you could have gone on to eat a whole extra serve, ops. So have a cup of tea after your meal. Green tea is an awesome choice but any hot drink will give you that full belly feeling you desire. So eat a normal meal then have a cup of tea.
TRICKS WHEN YOU ARE OUT: Order the entree size meal every time. Fail safe, as meals out are way too big anyway by ordering the entree size you have one half the battle. Order the soup, that will fill you up and not make you over eat. Order the sides as a meal have a garden salad and the wedges that’s all veggies right there and is a better choice than a pizza.
DON’T DRINK YOUR CALORIES: Don’t think that drinks don’t make you fat, they do. Drinking milky type coffees, iced coffees, fruit juice it all adds up. Just because it’s not food doesn’t mean you can pour what you like down your throat. Water is the drink of choice, then tea or coffee. Fruit juice over soft drink as it at least has some nutrition in it.
Are you addicted to soft drink? Have a look at this link on why you need to know the truth about softdrink. Click Here.
There are a few new tricks for you to try, with a bit of re-programming we can get you back on track and eating savvy. keep the emails, Facebook messages and comments coming.

Quick question Renae: Can you buy the Maca Powder in supermarkets or only at Health Food Stores? Keen to try it and thought I’d save myself the bother of having to run around different places with three kids along.
Thanks 🙂