Yesterday was my parents 37th Wedding Anniversary! Congrats Mum and Dad (for not killing each other!!!) there were a few times there when I thought it was gonna happen!!
OMG 37 years of wet towels on the bed, toilets seats left up, snoring, reading on the toilet, ball scratching, bedroom eyes, then falling asleep right after, morning breath, dishwasher stacked in the most ridiculous way, work bag on the floor in the door way, walking in the door and saying “what’s for tea” (not Hello), using all my body wash, taking up more room in the bed, wasting money on motor bike parts, playing stupid playstation games for hours, not vacuuming under things, bum pinching, boob grabbing, selective hearing, you’re hearing me aren’t you!!! Well that’s what it’s been like for the almost 14 years I’ve been married. To even be married for 14 years these days is the old 20 years!
To be honest the hardest part about being a Mum, isn’t dealing with vomit or high temps at 2am, it’s not making life altering educational decisions for your children, it’s not managing the bills, or working or what you would think it is. It is in fact being a wife. Being a wife is harder than being a Mum. Anyone can be a Mum, it’s different as the baby you mother is a part of you and you have been given a genetic life long inherited connection. However becoming a wife is a choice, and you see people getting it wrong all the time, look a J-Lo she can shake her arse but sh*t she must be high maintenance she’s like on her 5th victim!
All you need it love right, but how do you stay in love with someone for 37 years? It becomes habit I guess, it becomes the way you have only ever known, it becomes your whole adult life. I got engaged at 19 and married at 20, so young, but I don’t think that’s such a bad thing. There is nothing I haven’t done because of it, it just meant we did everything together. Mum and Dad got married back in the good old days when if something was broken you fixed it not replaced it, guess that has something to do with their lasting union. Both my grandparents took the ’till death do we part’ serious too and did just that spending their entire adult lives married to each other.
To get married is the easy part, finding the right person is the hard part. How do you know you have the right person, you just know. You know because there is no one else you would want to be with, there is no one else who could make you the kind of happy or feel the way your person does. That part of you shuts down, when you have found the one, you don’t even notice others. To make it, you need to work at it, it’s not going to be easy, it’s going to be really hard but you will want to work on it because you want it to work. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter where you go in your life what you do or how much you have it matters who you have next to you. Mum and Dad not sure how you do it, I’m still learning but sh*t 37 years is just, wow!
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